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Last updated
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Licorice or Mulethi, also known as the “Sweet wood”, is an effective and potent medicinal herb. Licorice root is aromatic due to the presence of anethole and is used as a flavoring agent in tea and other beverages.
Licorice has anti-microbial, antitussive, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Licorice powder is useful to get relief from cough and sore throat. It helps in case of food poisoning, heartburn, stomach ulcers, cough and bronchitis.
Licorice powder is also useful in improving skin texture and color[2].

What are the synonyms of Licorice?

Glycyrrhiza glabra, Mulethi, Mulathi, Muleti, Jethimadhu, Jethimadh, Yastimadhuka, Yastika, Madhuka, Madhuyasti, Yastyahva, Jesthimadhu, Yeshtmadhu, Yashtimadhu, Jethimadha, Jethimard, Jestamadu, Jyeshtamadhu, Atimadhura, Multhi, Irattimadhuram, Jatimadhu, Jastimadhu, Athimadhuram, Atimadhuramu, Asl-us-sus

What is the source of Licorice?

Plant Based

Benefits of Licorice

What are the benefits of Licorice for Cough?

Modern Science View
Licorice powder is useful in managing sore throat, cough and excessive production of mucus in the respiratory tract. It also helps loosen mucus and in coughing it out[2].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice is good for sore throat, throat irritation, cough and bronchitis due to its Ropan (healing) and expectorant properties.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Stomach ulcers?

Modern Science View
Licorice root extract might help in managing stomach ulcers. Glycyrrhetinic acid in Licorice extract has strong anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the activity of inflammatory mediators to reduce pain and inflammation in the stomach[2].
1. Take 1 teaspoonful of Licorice powder.
2. Consume thrice a day with 1 cup milk to get relief from pain and inflammation associated with stomach ulcers.
Ayurvedic View
Licorice is useful in stomach ulcer due to its Sita (cold) potency. It produces a thick mucus lining which protects the stomach due to its Ropan (healing) nature.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Heartburn?

Modern Science View
Licorice is effective in managing functional dyspepsia and associated symptoms like upper abdominal fullness, pain due to intestinal gas, belching, bloating, nausea, vomiting, heartburn and loss of appetite[17].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice is useful for heartburn and reduces inflammation in the stomach due to its Sita (cold) potency.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Fatigue?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice is known to relieve tiredness and fatigue by providing instant energy due to its Madhur (sweet) and Rasayana (Rejuvenating) property.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Tuberculosis (TB)?

Modern Science View
Licorice might serve as alternate therapy in managing tuberculosis due to its antimicrobial activity against the gram positive and gram negative bacteria[4].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps boost immunity and control bacterial infections in the lungs of patients with tuberculosis due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) and Ropan (healing) properties.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Malaria?

Modern Science View
Licorice might act as a good anti-malarial agent due to the presence of Licochalcone A. It inhibits the growth of parasites at all stages[2].

Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps to fight against malaria by boosting the immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Fatty liver disease?

Modern Science View
Licorice might be useful in case of fatty liver caused by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Due to its detoxification and antioxidant properties, Licorice reverses the liver damage caused by CCl4. It works by inhibiting the increased activity of liver enzymes and increasing the level of antioxidants in the liver. Glycyrrhizic acid present in Licorice has good hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore can be effective in treating nonalcoholic hepatitis as well[15][16].

What are the benefits of Licorice for High cholesterol ABC?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps in controlling high cholesterol and reduces the risk of plaque formation due to its Vata and Pitta balancing properties.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Irritable bowel syndrome?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice reduces inflammation and speeds up the healing process in case of IBS due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) nature.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Arthritis?

Modern Science View
Licorice can help manage rheumatoid arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property. It inhibits the activity of inflammatory mediators and manages pain and inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis[7].
Ayurvedic View
According to Ayurveda, arthritis is called Sandhivata in which an aggravated Vata causes pain and swelling in the joints. Licorice balances Vata due to its Sita (cold) potency and gives relief in case of arthritis.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Infections?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps to fight infections by boosting the immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Infertility?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps improve the sperm count and manage male infertility due to its good Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Prostate cancer?

Modern Science View
Glycyrrhizin in Licorice might act as a therapeutic agent against prostate cancer. Glycyrrhizin inhibits cell multiplication of prostate cancer cells by inducing apoptosis. Therefore, Licorice is known to have anti-tumorigenic activity against prostate cancer cells[18].

What are the benefits of Licorice for Local anesthesia (Numb tissues in a specific area)?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps in managing pain in the body by balancing Vata dosha.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection?

Modern Science View
Glycyrrhizin in Licorice has antiviral activity and prevents the multiplication of hepatitis C virus. It prevents the virus from infecting the healthy liver cells and is known to improve the conditions of patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C[4]. Licorice is also known to have hepatoprotective activity as it fights against the free radicals and prevents lipid peroxidation induced cell damage[2].

How effective is Licorice?

Likely effective
Insufficient evidence
Arthritis, Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, Cough, Familial Mediterranean fever (Hereditary inflammatory disorder), Fatigue, Fatty liver disease, High cholesterol ABC, Increased potassium levels in blood, Increased prolactin levels, Infections, Infertility, Irritable bowel syndrome, Local anesthesia (Numb tissues in a specific area), Malaria, Menopausal symptoms, Muscle spasms, Obesity, Prostate cancer, Stomach ulcers, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Tuberculosis (TB)

Precautions when using Licorice

Advice from Experts
Modern Science View
1. Licorice might act like estrogen therefore, it is advised to avoid the use of Licorice in hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids[3].
2. Avoid Licorice if you have low potassium levels in the blood (hypokalemia). This is because it can worsen the condition by further reducing the potassium levels[3].
3. A drop in the level of potassium in the blood can also worsen hypertonia (a muscle condition caused by nerve problems). Therefore, the use of Licorice should be avoided in such cases[3].
4. Licorice might interfere with the blood pressure levels during and after surgery. So it is advisable to stop taking Licorice at least 2 weeks before the scheduled surgery[3].
Modern Science View
Use Licorice only under a doctor’s supervision if you are allergic or hypersensitive to Licorice or its constituents[11].

Modern Science View
Due to lack of scientific evidence, it is advisable to avoid Licorice if you are breastfeeding[3].
Other Interaction
Modern Science View
1. Use of Licorice along with estrogen pills might decrease the effects of these pills. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid Licorice with estrogen pills[3].
2. Licorice can decrease the level of potassium in the body. Taking Licorice along with diuretics could lead to excessive loss of potassium from the body. Thus, avoid Licorice if you are taking diuretics[3].
3. Licorice may reduce the effects of birth control pills, hormone replacement therapies or testosterone therapy[11].
Patients with heart disease
Modern Science View
Licorice may lower blood pressure. So it is generally advisable to monitor the blood pressure regularly if you are taking Licorice along with anti-hypertensive drugs[3].
Patients with kidney disease
Modern Science View
Use Licorice with caution if you have any kidney disease as it can worsen the condition[3].
Modern Science View
Licorice may increase the risk of miscarriage or early delivery. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid Licorice during pregnancy[3].
Side Effects
Modern Science View
1. Headache
3. Electrolyte disturbances[3][11]

Recommended Dosage of Licorice

  • Licorice Churna - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Licorice Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day.
  • Licorice Tablet - 1-2 tablets twice a day.
  • Licorice Candy - 1-2 candies twice a day or as per your requirement.
  • Licorice Mother Tincture - 6-12 drops diluted with water, once or twice a day

How to use Licorice

1. Licorice Root
a. Take a Licorice root.
b. Chew it properly to manage cough and hyperacidity[12].

2. Licorice Churna
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Licorice churna.
b. Swallow it with water before meals, twice a day.

3. Licorice Capsule
a. Take 1-2 Licorice capsule.
b. Swallow it with water before meals, twice a day.

4. Licorice Tablet
a. Take 1-2 Licorice tablets.
b. Swallow it with water before meals, twice a day.

5. Licorice Candies
Take 1-2 Licorice candies twice a day or as per your requirement.

6. Licorice Tincture
a. Take 6-8 drops of Licorice tincture.
b. Dilute it with lukewarm water.
c. Drink it twice or thrice a day.

7. Licorice Gargle
a. Take 1 teaspoon of Licorice powder.
b. Add it to 1 glass of warm water and stir until the powder gets properly dissolved.
c. Gargle with this solution twice a day to get relief from a sore throat and bad breath[5].

8. Licorice Ginger Tea
a. Put 2 cups of water in a pan.
b. Add roughly crushed 2 raw Licorice roots and ginger to it.
c. Also, add ½ teaspoon tea leaves.
d. Let the mixture boil on medium flame for 5-6 minutes.
e. Strain with the help of a fine strainer.
f. Drink this every morning to reduce problems associated with the upper respiratory tract, digestive and intestinal infections[13].

9. Licorice Milk
a. Add 1 glass of milk in a pan.
b. Bring it to boil.
c. Add ¼ teaspoon of Licorice powder to the milk and stir until it gets properly dissolved.
d. Drink it immediately[14].

Benefits of Licorice

What are the benefits of Licorice for Mouth sores?

Modern Science View
Glycyrrhizin present in Licorice controls the redness and swelling inside the mouth in case of mouth sores[19].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice might help in case of mouth sores due to its Ropan (healing) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) nature.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Melasma?

Modern Science View
Liquiritin present in Licorice reduces the melanin content in the skin and might help improve melasma. The antioxidants present in the extract also contributes to a decrease in melanin thereby inducing skin lightening[2][22].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps in managing blemishes and dark spots in melasma due to its Pitta balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It also gives a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Eczema?

Modern Science View
Licorice powder might be useful in reducing the symptoms of eczema like dryness, itchiness and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory property[21].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice might relieve the symptoms of eczema such as inflammation, dryness and itching due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) properties.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Dental plaque?

Modern Science View
Licorice powder might be useful in preventing biofilm formation responsible for dental plaque. Licorice inhibits the activity of S.mutans that is majorly responsible for biofilm formation leading to dental plaque. This further inhibits acid production by bacteria and loss of minerals leading to dental cavities[5].

What are the benefits of Licorice for Psoriasis?

Modern Science View
Studies state that glycyrrhizin present in Licorice might be useful in managing the symptoms of psoriasis due to its immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory properties[20].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps manage psoriasis by balancing aggravated Pitta due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) properties. Licorice also helps improve immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) nature.

What are the benefits of Licorice for Bleeding?

Ayurvedic View
Licorice controls bleeding and helps in quick healing of wound due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) properties.

How effective is Licorice?

Likely effective
Insufficient evidence
Bleeding, Dental plaque, Infections, Melasma, Mouth sores, Psoriasis

Precautions when using Licorice

Advice from Experts
Modern Science View
Licorice is possibly safe when appropriately applied to the skin for a short period of time[3].
Modern Science View
Apply Licorice to a small area first to test for possible allergic reactions. People who are allergic to Licorice or its constituents should use it under a doctor’s supervision[11].

Recommended Dosage of Licorice

  • Licorice Paste - ¼-½ teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Licorice Powder - ½-1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.

How to use Licorice

1. Licorice Honey Face pack
a. Take 15-20 fresh Licorice leaves and blend them to form a smooth paste.
b. Add 2 teaspoon of honey to the paste.
c. Apply evenly over the face, neck and hands.
d. Keep for 5-6 minutes.
e. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
f. Use this remedy three times a week to get rid of tanning and dullness.

2. Licorice Powder with Amla juice
a. Take 2 teaspoons of Licorice powder.
b. Mix with 5-6 teaspoons of amla juice and apply evenly on the scalp.
c. Let it sit for 1-2 hours.
d. Wash with tap water.
e. Use this remedy twice a week for a clean and oil-free scalp.

3. Licorice Powder with Turmeric
a. Take ½ teaspoon of Licorice powder.
b. Add 1 teaspoon of multani mitti and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
c. Also add 2-3 teaspoons of rose water to it.
d. Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.
e. Apply evenly on the face and neck and keep for 5-6 minutes to dry.
f. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
g. Repeat thrice a week to improve your skin tone.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Can Liquorice powder be used for hair growth?

Modern Science View
Although not enough scientific evidence is available, Licorice powder if used regularly can help control hair loss. It might also help in the growth of new hair.

Q. How to store Liquorice powder?

Modern Science View
Store Licorice powder in a cool, dry area and after opening, keep the package tightly closed preferably in airtight containers. Also, Licorice powder should not be stored in an area that is too cold as it can lose its moisture and might solidify.
If Licorice powder develops an odor, flavor or appearance, it should be discarded immediately.

Q. How to use Liquorice root?

Modern Science View
You can add small pieces of Licorice roots to a teapot to extract the flavors and add it to your tea. This will help enhance the taste and relieve stress if any. You can even chew the sticks.

Q. How do you grow Liquorice?

Modern Science View
Licorice can be easily grown from the seeds. Soak the seeds for at least 24 hours in lukewarm water and then sow the seeds in a potting mix in a depth of 1/2 inch. Cover the seeds with soil and keep it evenly moist until the seeds germinate.

Q. What are the benefits of Licorice tea?

Modern Science View
Licorice contains certain constituents that protect the liver against damage. Drinking Licorice tea might help manage inflammation, ulcers, diabetes, constipation and depression[23].

Q. Can Licorice help relieve muscle cramps?

Modern Science View
Yes, certain substances obtained from licorice root have been found to be beneficial in reducing muscle cramps or spasms[24].

Q. Can Licorice help with weight loss?

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available for the use of Licorice in weight loss.

Q. Does Licorice help improve gastrointestinal health?

Modern Science View
Licorice contains certain substances that have anti‐inflammatory properties. Due to this, it soothes the stomach by protecting the gastrointestinal tract lining from any kind of pain or inflammation[25].

Q. Does Licorice aid the treatment of diabetes?

Modern Science View
Yes, licorice might help improve insulin resistance which aids in the treatment of diabetes[26][27].

Q. Does Licorice help improve male fertility?

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available for the use of Licorice in male fertility.

Q. Does Licorice help relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause?

Modern Science View
Liquorice root is known to contain certain substances that help in the symptomatic control of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) by lowering the estrogen level[28][29].

Q. What does Liquorice do to your skin and hair?

Modern Science View
Glycyrrhizin in Licorice is considered to be the main component to fight against free radicals and prevent skin damage. Licorice has UV protective, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from these benefits, Licorice powder when applied regularly improves the elasticity of the skin[2].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice is good for skin due to its Ropan (healing) properties and also shows good results in managing blemishes and dark spots due to its Pitta balancing and Rasayana properties.

Q. Does Liquorice help in skin lightening?

Modern Science View
Licorice is considered to be the safest skin lightening agent. Liquiritin in Licorice powder inhibits the activity of an enzyme name tyrosinase leading to a decrease in the melanin content. The antioxidants present in Licorice also contributes to the decrease in melanin thereby helping in skin lightening[2].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice helps in managing blemishes and dark spots in melasma due to its Pitta balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It also gives a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

Q. Is Liquorice good for your dental health?

Modern Science View
Licorice has anti-cariogenic properties (prevents the formation of cavities) and inhibits the adherence and biofilm formation of the bacteria on teeth. Licorice powder is sweet in taste and stimulates the flow of saliva which is known to have antibacterial action, cleansing effect and remineralization activity (to restore the mineral loss). Licorice powder also reduces the formation of inflammatory mediators responsible for the inflammation of gums[5].

Q. How is Licorice powder good for hair?

Modern Science View
Licorice powder is good for the hair due to the presence of Glycyrrhizin in it. It helps to fight against free radicals and prevent hair damage[2].
Ayurvedic View
Licorice powder might control hair fall and premature greying due to its Pitta and Vata balancing properties.


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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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